Sanjog Manandhar

Sanjog Manandhar was a Photojournalist for The Kathmandu Post, covering political, social, cultural and current issues through the lens. Before joining the Post in 2012, he worked as a Photojournalist in Nepal Samacharpatra Daily for two years.

Latest from Sanjog Manandhar

As Kathmandu’s air gets worse, its residents struggle to breathe

Over the last month, the Post followed a small group of traffic constables across the city at different times of the day. With consent from the officers and permission from police headquarters, the Post facilitated health screening for some of the officers at the Nepal Police Hospital and asked prominent health professionals to examine the reports. The results, which include their chest x-rays, show the damaging effects of long-term exposure to particulate pollution.

Indra Jatra begins (In photos)

Indra Jatra, known as the biggest festival of the Kathmandu Valley, formally began on Friday with the erection of a wooden ceremonial pole (lingo) and the fluttering of a flag named after the Hindu God Indra at Hanumandhoka.

A city and its people

Kathmandu is so many things all at once. As a concrete dustbowl hemmed in by green hills, the city is a confluence of the old and the new, the privileged and the disenfranchised, the inanimate and the dynamic.

Five Takeaways

The newly-launched Food Truck in Gairidhara is all the rage among Kathmandu’s younger crowd, and for good reason—with three minibuses remodelled as colourful food trucks, the eatery offers a dining experience like no other.

Kathmandu renewed

Yenya Punhi might be popularly known as the Indra Jatra but in doing so the festival is boxed into one single dimension. The Jatra after all is not just about the “King of Heaven” being arrested in the Valley on charges of thievery.

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