Visual Stories

A family of 20—and more

At their home, the dogs are given free reign, without leashes and free to roam, sleep and play wherever they like.
Ram Byanjankar stands next to his daughter Raina Byanjankar and wife Indu Maharjan as they pose for a photo with their dogs at their garage in Jwagal, Lalitpur. All photos by Sanjog Manandhar
Sanjog Manandhar
Published at : July 6, 2019
Updated at : July 6, 2019 12:22

Sanjog Manandhar

Sanjog Manandhar was a Photojournalist for The Kathmandu Post, covering political, social, cultural and current issues through the lens. Before joining the Post in 2012, he worked as a Photojournalist in Nepal Samacharpatra Daily for two years.
