Raj Kumar Baral

Baral is an assistant professor at Tribhuvan University and is currently pursuing PhD from the University of Texas at El Paso, United States.

Latest from Raj Kumar Baral

Wooden boxes and broken dreams

In his anthology Kaath ko Baakas, Chandra Ghimire provides an incisive commentary on the transitions and troubles the country has gone through in the past two decades

So many selves

Ghazal, an ancient form ofpoetry practiced in the Middle East since long before thebirth of Islam, mostly explores the theme of unrequited love. The Oxford Dictionary defines the ghazal as “a lyric poem with a fixed number of verses and a repeated rhyme, typically on the theme of love and normally set to music.” Today the form, having expanded its horizons, incorporates themes of notonly ‘love’ but also the larger issues around loss and pain. Made of rhyming couplets with structural, thematic and emotional unity, modern ghazals can be used by skilled poets to express almost anything.

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