Fiction Park

To walk or not to walk

To most people, I’m just another face in the crowd, someone they recognise only as a stranger—someone they don’t need to forget because they never remember.

An Englishman in Lakeside

The rain may have dispersed the crowd, but the stories remained, lingering in the air, shared over coffee and a copy of ‘The Great Gatsby’.

The night the sky spoke

I pictured us meeting by chance, perhaps in a quaint café. He’d look across the room, our eyes would lock, and the world would fall away.

Striving towards excellence

The long-awaited day had come for Ramesh—the opening of a new community library in his village of Lamagaun, a little settlement in the hills of Pokhara.

The silent heartbeat

Priya felt a surprising and profound tenderness for Vincent. His presence was a beacon of warmth in the dimly lit hospital room.

Would you like some tea?

The dusk has settled, and it’s late, getting darker every second. The sky is a deep purple, almost violet, like the ink I used for my sixth-grade homework.

An escape into Shangri-La

Christo was exhilarated by the thought of being considered eccentric. He had come to Nepal to experience and observe, not to seek comfort.

The museum of airborne dreams

I reached out, and in a breath, I was transported to another place of existence entirely, a realm far beyond the mundane purgatory of the Tribhuvan International Airport.

The alluring stranger

As the night unfolds, I discover more about Maya. She shares her adventures, her aspirations to defy societal norms, and embracing life to the fullest.

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