Culture & Lifestyle
Make schools supportive again
Students have it hard. But encouragement from counsellors and teachers can make things easier for them.
Apecksha Gurung
Director Upendra Subba, who’s gaining accolades for his recent film ‘Jaari’, penned a Facebook post on April 18, detailing a slur of rebukes and humiliation directed at his daughter by school authorities because her studies were not upto their ‘standards’. Allegedly, a teacher went as far as to tell his wife to “buy her daughter a scooter so she can make a living as a Pathao rider.” The elitism aside, this type of castigation can have serious effects on students. Schools are where children spend most of their childhood, so it’s imperative that they feel safe and encourage by the adults there.
Here’s the truth. Students have it hard. Some may struggle with academic performance, may get poor grades, have difficulty concentrating, or just lack motivation. There’s also dealing with social and emotional problems, such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, or issues with relationships with peers or teachers.
But what students and young children need is encouragement to get through all of their problems. Discouragement can have profound and lasting impacts on children. Though it’s been said time and again, teachers, parents, and other adults who are involved in children’s lives should offer support so that they can develop resilience and face obstacles head-on.
Prakriti Pourel is the school counsellor at GEMS School, Dhapakhel. She has also worked in Médecins Sans Frontières, also known as Doctors Without Borders and Manasshastra Counseling and research centre as a counsellor in the field of mental health. Pourel shares strategies to encourage children and also talks about the role a school can play in motivating students in times of difficulty.
What is school counselling, and why do schools need it?
Children experience many changes in and around them during school; some may be good, while others may be damaging to their learning and growth. Every school needs a counsellor to support students who need a little extra attention and support. Children who have behavioural issues and have trouble keeping up in class are in need of that special care. Additionally, it is the duty of a counsellor to work in combination with the management, administration, teachers, and par to ensure a secure learning environment free from bullying and other unfavourable behaviours.
Not only do we help students overcome mental health issues, we encourage them to learn and discover their interests in order to determine what they want to accomplish in their lives. We also support our students and also lend a sympathetic ear to those students who just need to be heard.
How can we help students who have trouble focusing on their studies?
I have often seen young kids finding it difficult to sit still and pay attention in class. It can be hard for students to stop and concentrate on their coursework, as they are always active and want to do something. So, to keep them interested, we can try to keep them engaged with learning activities. Students learn by doing. And they like doing things on their own rather than hearing someone go on and on. By making them write, design, create, and solve problems, we give them a platform to brainstorm, lead, produce their own idea and execute it.
Do students need counselling even if they are not struggling with mental health issues?
Of course. Counselling services in schools are not just for those who are struggling with mental health issues. It is a necessary part of the student life, but it’s often overlooked. Counselling provides students with an opportunity to talk about their problems and thoughts in a safe space. It also helps them identify their strengths and weaknesses, which can aid them in making better decisions.

What can teachers do to understand and encourage students?
To a certain extent, at least these days, teachers do call on counsellors to understand students better. In school, when teachers notice behavioural issues in certain kids, they talk to me to understand why the child is behaving that way. This way, the teacher can shift their attention towards the solution.
Students should receive encouraging comments from teachers regarding their efforts and work. It’s crucial to appreciate students if they did something good. If not, instead of just yelling or berating the students, the teacher should provide concrete instances of how they can do better. But teachers should make attainable goals for their students. By appreciating and encouraging, one can boost students’ morale to learn more in the future. Students feel comfortable asking questions and contributing in class if teachers can foster a positive learning atmosphere. So, educators should ensure that the classroom is a safe space, they should develop rapport with their pupils, and promote open communication.
Teachers, please celebrate the successes of your students, no matter how small! Celebrating their successes can help build confidence and motivate students to continue learning.
What about family? Should they also be interested in what their children do in school?
I would say family involvement is the key to students’ success. We can’t expect the school to fix everything. Parents who put effort into reading with their children, helping with their homework, discussing school events, and attending school functions like to come to school and are well-behaved. They also tend to get better grades, have better social skills, and adapt to school better. Even if you’re schedule is busy, be there for the kids. After all, your presence and engagement with your own child will decide what kind of adult they will be in the future.