Under construction dam on Kankai River collapses
An under construction dam on Kankai River has collapsed due to sheer negligence of the contractor.
An under construction dam on Kankai River has collapsed due to sheer negligence of the contractor.
The dam which was being constructed for the protection of Kankai Bridge along the East-West Highway caved in due to floods triggered by incessant rainfall last Saturday.
Following the incident, Kankai Bridge, the longest bridge in the country, and around 200 families residing on the river banks are at high risk of being swept away.
According to an agreement, the contractor should complete the construction of the dam by mid-June.
But, only 40 percent works was completed before the floods washed it away, according to Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Chief of the Road Division, Damak.
Prabesh-Basistha-Basnet JB, Kathmandu was assigned to construct the dam at the cost of Rs 1.30 million without VAT.
“Contractor should take full responsibility for the incident,” Bhuwan Dahal of Shivasatachhi-10 said, adding, “The dam could have been strong had the contractor worked properly.”
“The river will sweep us away if there will be no dam. The authorities concerned should have properly monitored the negligence of the contractor,” he said brusquely.
The construction company has already received 32 percent contract amount.
Locals have been left panic stricken after the first flood of this year washed away the dam.
Three houses have also been washed away by Saturday’s colossal floods. Houses belonging to Lal Bahadur Bista, Dilli Thapa and Khadga Basti were swept away by the floods.
After the floods swept away the dam, a team led by ward Chairperson Karna Bahadur Thapa drew the attention of the Road Division Office. They have demanded reconstruction of the dam in a new way.
Division Chief Yadav committed that the construction company would start the reconstruction of the dam at the earliest.
He said that the contractor admitted the mistake and agreed to start the reconstruction of dam promptly.