Indian side blocks goods carriers at border points
Various districts across the country are reeling under the crisis of cooking gas and petroleum products in due to the ‘undeclared blockade’ imposed by India.
Various districts across the country are reeling under the crisis of cooking gas and petroleum products in due to the ‘undeclared blockade’ imposed by India.
At Rupaidiha border point, Indian security forces have stopped 70 tankers and 200 cargo trucks preventing them to enter Nepal through Nepalgunj customs point. Jamunaha Police Office informed that no cargo trucks and petroleum tankers have entered the country after Indian customs officials cleared three tankers last Thursday. Indian Seema Surakshya Bal (SSB) has
been obstructing the movement of those tankers even after the clearance from Indian customs.
Chief District Officer Bed Prakash Lekhak said Indian authorities have even beefed up security measures along the border. “We requested District Magistrate (DM) of Baharaich to leave stranded cargo trucks stranded but they are ignoring us,” he said.
Likewise, India left two tankers filled with petroleum products and two LP gas bullets on Sunday from Sunauli customs point in Rupandehi. Some trucks laden with cement, potatoes, onions and fruits also entered Nepal’s territory but locals returned those carrying vegetables saying that the vegetables and fruits had started rotting.
In the eastern districts, around 100 tankers filled with filled with petroleum products have been stranded in Indian side. Petrol pumps in Biratnagar have remained shut. Even the SSB tightened security measures at Kakadvitta border check-point.
Our correspondent in Kailali said the SSB obstructed the movement of cargo trucks at Trinagar customs point. Man Bahadur BK, a customs official in Kailali, said 15 trucks loaded with goods have been stranded in the Indian side.
The petroleum shortage has also affected districts in Far-West districts. Though 41 tankers filled with petroleum products entered Nepal from Gauriphanta border area till Saturday but those going to India to refill have been obstructed.
(With inputs from our district correspondents)