Live and let live
Every species has its own importance and existence in this universe and thus, let’s think locally and act globally for the welfare of existing creatures in the name of humanity
Kajol Shah
Each year on June 5, we celebrate World Environment Day. It is an annual event which we celebrate with the aim to protect nature. This year, the theme was ‘Go wild for life’—a call against action of the illegal trade of wildlife. This year’s theme encourages people to take care of those species which are in threat.
Today, various animals and plants have been listed as endangered, owing to their decreasing number in the wild. Deforestation and destruction of habitat is one of the main reasons why many animals are on the verge of extinction. Pollution also makes land unfit, not only for the wild but also for domestic beings.
The natural space is shrinking as an outcome of deforestation and urbanisation. The large scale poaching of wild animals for trade is a serious threat to the survival of birds and animals. In captivity, these species should be conserved from its extinction through a pragmatic approach. In this regard, the Slogan for World Environment Day 2016 ‘Go Wild For Life’ will surely aware humans about the importance of wildlife and the immediate need for its protection.
Nature is bountifully endowed with a rich variety of flora and fauna. The world teems with a massive population of plants and animal species—ranging from tiny insects to huge mammals. Among this wild population, there are a number of species such as red panda, sambar deer, black buck, gharial, and crocodile and so on, which are under the threat of extinction.
The extinction of wildlife is a global issue today. It is very important to conserve wildlife to maintain the ecological balance in nature and to preserve the gene pool. Our motto now should be ‘Live and Let Live’. Laws should be made to impose a total ban on poaching of any endangered species. Such laws should not remain in papers alone; they should be enforced strictly in order to retain the utility of wildlife. Wildlife conservation programmes should run and advocate the society.
Rehabilitation is necessary for the animals. Special attention should be paid to the conservation of wild animals and birds to prevent their extinction altogether. The unauthorised cutting of forest trees should be curbed immediately.
To conclude, let’s bear in our mind that every species has its own importance and existence in this universe and thus, let’s think locally and act globally for the welfare of existing creatures in the name of humanity. Let’s create an environment for the wildlife species to live freely and multiply in number. Let’s not get into a situation where we may have to be content with the picture of various endangered species after their extinction.
So, let’s move hand in hand. It must be said that protecting the animal species and their fragile environment is vital to preserving the region’s natural heritage. Looking into the possible hazards and crisis, the involvement of every individual on earth is urgent, and active participation of youth seems even a greater need. Undoubtedly, a little effort individually results in a huge achievement collectively to conserve our planetary paradise and its vital plant and animal species.
Shah is a class 12 student at Prasadi Academy