
KMC brings Rs25.54 billion budget for new fiscal year

Plans include building a laboratory to test pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables and an affordable pharmacy for the public. KMC brings Rs25.54 billion budget for new fiscal year
Deputy Mayor Sunita Dangol presents the Kathmandu Metropolitan City’s financial plan for upcoming fiscal year at the local unit’s 13th municipal assembly in Rastriya Sabhagriha, Bhrikutimandap, on Sunday. Photo: Courtesy of KMC
Anup Ojha
Published at : June 26, 2023
Updated at : June 26, 2023 07:22

Anup Ojha

Anup Ojha was a reporter for The Kathmandu Post primarily covering social issues, crime, and human interest stories since 2011. Before moving to the social beat, Ojha covered arts and culture for the Post for four years.
