Sudurpaschim Province

Conservationists report a fall in Finn’s weaver numbers in Shuklaphanta

Around 200 Finn’s weavers found this year in Shuklaphanta National Park while the population of the bird species stood at 242 last year. Conservationists report a fall in Finn’s weaver numbers in Shuklaphanta
Two Finn’s weavers are seen among several nests inside the Shuklaphanta National Park in this recent photo. PHOTO: COURTESY OF HIRULAL DAGAURA, BCN
Bhawani Bhatta
Published at : July 7, 2023
Updated at : July 7, 2023 07:29

Bhawani Bhatta

Bhawani Bhatta is the Kanchanpur correspondent for Kantipur Publications.
