
Prime minister’s advisor reveals expenditure report but no one knows where it came from

Government officials have professed ignorance about a report published on social media breaking down the amount the government has spent so far in fighting Covid-19.Prime minister’s advisor reveals expenditure report but no one knows where it came from
As per the report, all three tiers of government have so far spent Rs8.39 billion in combating the pandemic. Post File Photo
Prithvi Man Shrestha
Published at : June 13, 2020
Updated at : June 13, 2020 22:06

Prithvi Man Shrestha

Prithvi Man Shrestha was a political reporter for The Kathmandu Post, covering the governance-related issues including corruption and irregularities in the government machinery. Before joining The Kathmandu Post in 2009, he worked at and Rising Nepal primarily covering the issues of political and economic affairs for three years.
