
With a complaint formally registered against Mahara, all eyes are now on the police and the government

As the country prepares for Dashain holidays, there are fears about the investigation’s progress and about the complainant’s safety.With a complaint formally registered against Mahara, all eyes are now on the police and the government
 Post file
Bhrikuti Rai, Anil Giri & Tika R Pradhan
Published at : October 5, 2019
Updated at : October 5, 2019 15:10

Bhrikuti Rai

Bhrikuti Rai was an investigative reporter for The Kathmandu Post, covering technology, environment and human rights. Before joining The Kathmandu Post in 2019, she was a reporter at Nepali Times and South Asia Check. She loves all things audio, and is co-creator of the Boju Bajai podcast.

Anil Giri

Anil Giri is a Chief Sub Editor covering diplomacy, international relations and national politics for The Kathmandu Post. Giri has been working as a journalist for more than two decades, contributing to numerous national and international media outlets.

Tika R Pradhan

Tika R Pradhan is a senior political correspondent for the Post, covering politics, parliament, judiciary and social affairs. Pradhan joined the Post in 2016 after working at The Himalayan Times for more than a decade.
