Gorkhaland protest: Indefinite protest called off
The Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (JGM) has decided to withdraw the indefinite protest programmes in Darjeeling, 80 days after the protests intensified in the hill town.
The Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (JGM) has decided to withdraw the indefinite protest programmes in Darjeeling, 80 days after the protests intensified in the hill town. The decision comes two days after a meeting between the agitating and the West Bengal Government in Kolkata.
According to JGM Assistant Coordinator Binaya Tamang, the party has decided to withdraw the protest programmes in view of the problems faced by the people due to the agitation.
He said that the protest programmes were rolled back until September 12. The party is holding a second meeting with the West Bengal Government in Siliguri on September 12.
“We have not moved an inch from the protest,” he said talking to journalists. He has called on the people not to think “otherwise”.
Party Chairman Bimal Gurung, however, claimed that he has no knowledge about the decision to revoke protest programmes.
“Protest programmes were withdrawn by the unilateral decision of Binay Tamang,” he said, adding “We will not accept his decision.”
The GJM and Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF), among other groups, had been spearheading agitation in Darjeeling demanding a separate state carved out of West Bengal.