Integrated check post at Nepalgunj-Rupaidiha border post comes back online
The integrated check post (ICP) at the Nepalgunj-Rupaidiha border point between Nepal and India has been brought back online after remaining inoperational due to lack of adequate personnel.
Thakur Singh Tharu
The integrated check post (ICP) at the Nepalgunj-Rupaidiha border point between Nepal and India has been brought back online after remaining inoperational due to lack of adequate personnel.
The ICP provides a range of services under one roof freeing travellers the hassle of going to various posts for customs and immigration clearance and other paperwork.
The government made security agencies and customs office active at the border point after Madhesi parties launched a protest.
Customs officers are responsible for revenue collection, the Nepal Police for regular checking and the Armed Police Force for weapon checking at the ICP.
“Things have become easier for travellers as security checking is done at only one place and they do not need to stop for checking at different destinations,” said Pramod Chetri, inspector at the Area Police Office, Jamunaha.
Nepalgunj Customs Office Chief Rajendra Hamal said that although the ICP had been operational for a long time, it was not effective due to the limited human resources. He said that following the opening of the ICP, people are not required to undergo checking at different places anymore.
Even though the ICP has been brought back into operation, it still doesn’t have adequate equipment such as metal detectors, cameras and scanning machines.
At many border points between Nepal and India, customs, quarantine facilities, immigration office, police station and Inland Revenue Office are scattered making life difficult for the general public and traders involved in cross-border trade.