Dead Sea plea
If there is hell below,or anywhere upon earth, I told myself, taking cue from Amir Khusrow,
Anand Vijay Gurung
If there is hell below,
or anywhere upon earth,
I told myself, taking cue from Amir Khusrow,
“it is here,
it is this,
it is this.”
Where I lay
flat on my back
in a Shavasana, the corpse pose,
on an aggressively hot, muggy day,
floating on the primordial soup,
bubbling like a cork.
Where they say,
it is impossible to drown,
the water pushing you up
like as if you are some bubble fizz.
I sniff the acridness
of the dark blue brine
where almost nothing lives
except glob...
cause you are in the sea of death,
the Dead Sea.
The lowest,
the most desolate point on earth.
Surely under this
must be that place of eternal torment
all the priests, the pundits,
the mullahs, the rabbis
are ever eager to warn us against,
lest we fall in it
and can’t be saved.
Nature plays tricks with you here,
and I find myself unable to sink
below the surface
of this bitter mother liquor
and descend into hell...
to see for myself
what is it infact
to avoid which people
go through all that fuss
that divide them into
various creeds and beliefs.
But I just bob up and down,
afloat in the dense blob
unwittingly but gently nodding my head
from side to side
like a priest after hearing
confessions carnal.
I then thought to myself,
a little courage,
a little foolishness
must be the passport
that one needs to pass
through this portal
and enter even though briefly
the abode of the dead.
For which, I later realised
and at great risk to myself,
you have to cease,
floating on your back
and just turn over.
And so I did,
as the anterior of the body
got submerged
and it became hard for me
to lift my head up.
My face was not my face
as the body got pushed
with some blatant force
into the deathly brine.
Skimming the thin line I was
between life and death.
The struggle ensued mechanically,
triggering the body’s survival mode,
independent of the mind,
forcing my arms and
my feets down, sideways.
And with great difficulty
And with a little bit of providence
I then managed to turn my body over and breathe.
(not for him a watery grave.)
Suddenly I felt adrift in the sea of life
that proclaimed there is no place on,
below, under or above earth
that is hell or heaven
or both.
And illumined the place of
endless punishment and
eternal joy
that remained deep within me
and where I was at that moment.
Such, such was my resurrection.