Be what you want to be
Have you ever been afraid of making a choice and following your dreams, and have instead stepped back for the sake of other’s feelings? I have done that many times.
Somy Paudyal
Have you ever been afraid of making a choice and following your dreams, and have instead stepped back for the sake of other’s feelings? I have done that many times. I have lived for others pretty much all my life, until now when I have mustered the courage to trust myself and move forward. I realised that even if you did what others wanted you to do or became the person others want you to be, you would still not satisfy them. You can’t always follow the flock, otherwise, before you knew it, you would have fallen off a cliff without knowing the reason. I am not encouraging you to do what you want and not care about others. I am talking about pursuing your dreams.
There are many people who will tell you that you can’t do it, it’s too hard or that it’s just for those who are born with talent or those ‘special people’; but what they don’t know is that everyone is special. That is why our fingerprints never match anybody else’s. We were born to be different. We were not all born to become the same person, pursue the same career and live the same life. We were meant to grow; but many times, people stop us. They want us to be like them who are scared to get out of the box and out of their comfort zone to explore. I will not say that it will be an easy path if you choose to go a different way; but at least deep down in your heart, you will know that you did it and you had chosen the way. However, our society wants all of us to become engineers or doctors. No one wants to be a social worker, a police officer or something else. Even before they can pronounce their own names, children will tell you what they want to be, and that is probably a doctor or an engineer or whatever their parents have told them. Their ability to imagine is lost. When they grow up and realise that they don’t have the ability to become what their parents want, they feel that they are no one. I say this because I have once felt the same way. I thought I would become a doctor, but things didn’t work out, and I thought I could never be a successful person. When my only dream was shattered, I became lost and did not know what I could do unless I gave myself time to discover. I am still in the process of discovering, and I am a much happier person now knowing my limits and my strengths. So I am not afraid of anyone anymore. I know my dream. I was so busy gazing at the stars that I forgot to shoot for the moon, but now, I think I am ready. What about you?