Karnali Province
One dead and four injured in mound collapse in Humla
The injured victims have been airlifted to Surkhet by an army chopper.Tripti Shahi
One person died and four others got injured while extracting clay for daubing the house. The incident occurred in Sarkegad Rural Municipality-7, when a mound of soil collapsed on the victims as they were digging to gather mud for plastering their homes.
The deceased has been identified as 28-year-old Netrakala Jaisi, while the injured, all aged 28, include Tirthakala Jaisi, Manjali Jaisi, Balaki Jaisi, and Lakshmi Jaisi, according to Inspector Suresh Subedi from the District Police Office of Humla. The injured ones have been airlifted to Surkhet by an army chopper.
In a separate incident, a similar tragedy struck in the mountainous region of Achham just two days ago, when two women were buried to death by a collapsing mound of soil while extracting earth for house plastering.