Creating a regime of fear
The government is criminalising dissent in the name of regulating social networks.
The government is criminalising dissent in the name of regulating social networks.
Democracy thrives through the collective act of institution building rather than the heroics of populist activists.
The child artiste’s tragic death has exposed a society that has traded its soul for profit.
Mountain man Paka’s story is quickly becoming a public drama, and he risks losing his very being.
Having weakened the democratic foundations of the country for 10 years, Modi is set to remain in power.
Kamal Ratna Tuladhar was one of the last old-style copy editors in Nepal’s fledgling print journalism.
India’s desecularisation under Modi has reached a point of no return.
Nembang steered Nepal’s fragile transitional democratic process until the charter’s promulgation in 2015.
Siddharth Varadarajan, founding editor of The Wire, on the challenges of running a public-spirited independent media house in an increasingly hostile political environment.
Spoilage loss inhibits plan to buttress value chain of mandarin oranges in Syangja.
Indian actor Shabana Azmi talks about the transformative possibilities of theatre and the role of artists, intellectuals and corporates in sustaining them.
When it came to chronicling Nepal’s enormously rich folk cultures, historian and culture expert Satya Mohan Joshi was without parallel.
Former Indian foreign secretary and national security advisor Shivshankar Menon on the changing power dynamics in South Asia, India’s political turmoil, and SAARC.
Pradip Giri was a quintessential Nepali public intellectual who interpreted to us our desires, miseries, hypocrisies.
The Idea of India is under erasure as democratic institutions and secular values continue to dwindle under tremendous pressure from communalist absolutism.