
In the ever-growing cinematic landscape, where do Nepali music videos stand?

The Post examines some of the most recent Nepali music videos to find out where our music video industry stands in terms of aesthetics and cinematic technicalities.In the ever-growing cinematic landscape, where do Nepali music videos stand?
While some elements deserve applause, such as the clever camera movement in Pramod Kharel’s Chhati Chirera (top left), problematic issues, like the use of blackface makeup in Udai Lanchu by Wayam (left bottom), is still present in Nepali content.  Screengrabs via YouTube
Ankit Khadgi
Published at : October 5, 2020
Updated at : October 28, 2020 09:49

Ankit Khadgi

Khadgi is a queer journalist currently based in Chicago.
