Framing Humla
As part of their on-going #photoNepal series, the Nepal Tourism Board is currently hosting a photography exhibition, titled Humla: Journey into the Hidden Shangri-La, by photographers Naresh Kusi and Geraldine Werhahn, at its premises in Brikutimandap in the Capital.As part of their on-going #photoNepal series, the Nepal Tourism Board is currently hosting a photography exhibition, titled Humla: Journey into the Hidden Shangri-La, by photographers Naresh Kusi and Geraldine Werhahn, at its premises in Brikutimandap in the Capital. The exhibit by the two photographers, who also work as wildlife conservationists and researchers, offers a quick glimpse of Humla as a tourism destination through contemporary and archive photographs taken during field visits to the district. The three-day exhibit, which opened on Friday, will conclude on Feb 5 with a talk session with photo journalist Gopal Chitrakar on the topic: Long March of Photography.
Nepal Tourism Board will be promoting various destinations within Nepal through the #photoNepal initiative, which will host exhibits on different themes every month. Besides promoting destinations and products from Nepal through photography, the series also aims to provide a platform to the still-emerging genre of travel photography in Nepal. The series of three-day exhibit are slated to be held on the first Friday of every English calendar month.