Making the world a better place
Instead of taking the world into the next level we people are quarreling with each other for no reason. The language people express isn’t rich and subtle these days.Rabina Karki
What would it be like if there was no feeling of envy, jealousy and hatred in the heart of human beings? We humans are the most superior beings of the cosmos. But why are we wasting our precious time exhibiting our superiority. Instead of taking the world into the next level we people are quarreling with each other for no reason. The language people express isn’t rich and subtle these days. The environment is isolated: everybody seems to be lost in their own world. We are running after materialistic happiness. In this race we have forgotten to live our life and smile.
Smile is a universal language. A language that the deaf can hear, the dump can speak and the blind can see. A smile on your face helps you look delightful. I know that life is tangled and we need to scuffle to make it more preferable and well furnished. A small smile on your face can make things better. Whenever I look at certain peoples’ face I get frightened. They seem as if they are soldiers in a war. Why so? What do they carry on their minds that make them so frustrated and anxious? Have you ever thought that your smile can win the hearts of many? It can provide hope to the wretched and courage to the forlorn. A smile is a tiny distance between two people. It makes you a good person. Smile is the symbol that you are smart enough to grasp all despondent. Smile is all about positive vibes. Your smile can make somebody feel comfortable and reliable. Sometimes you should just put the anguish out of your head and then look at people and smile at them.
Karki is a class 11 student at Reliance International Academy