Youths, backbone of a nation
My grandpa says to me: “Simplicity is the best; so, live simply and think highly.” However, the definition of simplicity keeps on changing with the generations.
Januka Dahal
My grandpa says to me: “Simplicity is the best; so, live simply and think highly.” However, the definition of simplicity keeps on changing with the generations. I want a car to ride, good food to eat and fashionable clothes to wear. I want to make use of every innovation and simultaneously I’m aware of sustainable use of resources. My grandma says to me, “happiness and peace is greater than the money and treasure; so, be satisfied in whatever you have”. I partially agree with her. My perspective is that satisfaction in anything that makes people passive. In fact, happiness and peace can’t be achieved without economy in the current world. So, I believe in earning with my full potential but without corruption and violence. My dad orders me “study hard, read your course book redundantly and solubilise every theorem in your mind” but I think learning by interest is far better than learning by rote. My mom spills her dreadful past: “We were engaged in our work and managed everything without fulfillment of our basic needs. This is how we are providing you with a better life.” Indeed they did physical hard work in their generation but (without doubt!) a laptop, internet facility, playing materials, exposure to information communication and technology are my basic needs. I think the extent of basic needs change with generations. Yes, I want to raise my living standard and enjoy mother nature. If every youth thinks this way, it is certain that the development goals of every nation, that aim to end poverty and promote prosperity and people’s well-being while protecting the environment will be achieved.
In many ways I don’t agree with my elders but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect my seniors. In fact, I respect them cordially and I want to be their pride. Above paragraph is the generation gap. Ideas, innovation, thought, way of living, technologies and needs change with every generation. The old generation is restrained by so called norms, values, religion, ethics and fear of failure but the youth are ambitious, self motivated, and eager to accept greater responsibility and exercise self-control and self-direction. The previous generation wasted their valuable time, energy, money and nature’s resources in the struggle for subsistence. But the youth is anxious to become erudite and they want to accomplish their work sagaciously to achieve sustenance. The old generation is more emotional and youths are more reasonable. Indeed, this is the transitional era in which a crawling caterpillar is turning into butterfly which is struggling hard to fly fast without much effort.
There is a saying “Mode of human life isn’t chance but it is created by its environment.” Indeed a youth is a wet ball of mud that takes its shape through the melody of external forces. A youth has desire, destination and risk taking power which are the building blocks of development. In spite of having such a huge potential, they are handcuffed in economic and decisive powers because these powers are in control of elder ones of the household. This all doesn’t mean the youth are right in every aspect and old generation is totally wrong. Yes! The youth is more furious and seeks solution of every problem in fight, quarrel and violations. Really, they are short tempered. A youth has aim and elders are endowed with experiences of ups and downs in their life. If an aim of youth is bloomed in background of elder’s experience, there will be a miracle. It will be the miracle in which poverty, instability, corruption and violence will remain only in history.
In the rush of tranquility and development, many people of the older generation are centrifuged from their path. If the youth aren’t guided and exposed properly by the senior generation, again story will repeat, the vicious circle of poverty will continue. If the youth are given chances and freedom through creativity and forward thinking, they can fulfill the objectives of the nation.
Dahal is currently pursuing a degree at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science(IAAS)