Superstition a hindrance to social progress
A family is seen advancing. A black cat emerges from nowhere and crosses their way.
Kajol Shah
A family is seen advancing. A black cat emerges from nowhere and crosses their way. The father stops everybody, warning the family of probable bad luck. So, they stop walking and wait for someone to go ahead, someone ignorant of what has happened. Is it a rational step? Does it have any logic? This is an example of superstition.
Superstition is an irrational belief arising from ignorance and is an impractical way of looking at life. Even in highly advanced
prosperous societies, braces of superstition can be seen and heard. A lot of us believe in superstitions that do not have logical explanations. There are endless examples of superstitions. Some forms of superstitions like breaking mirrors, spilling milk or a black cat crossing the path are the examples of misguided beliefs.
Every social group in the world has specific traditional and cultural practices and beliefs, some of which are beneficial to all because it promotes solidarity in the community, while other superstitions are harmful to us. Superstitions generally lead to horrific crimes like burning of women who are blamed to be witches, such practices violate human rights.
Uncontrolled belief in superstitions can have negative impact on how people conduct their lives. It is a major hindrance to social progress and advancement. It also hampers the overall development of a country.
Superstitious beliefs have rooted themselves firmly in our society and changing the minds of the people will take time. Our motto should be: Think globally and act locally. Let’s move hand in hand to eradicate such practices from our society.
Shah is a class 11 student at Prasadi Academy