Kukur Puja for rescued dogs
Animal Nepal, on the occasion of Kukur Tihar, is hosting a one-day event to allow people to perform kukur puja on rescued dogs at its animal sanctuary in Chobar.
Through this event, the organisers aim to raise awareness regarding the unregulated breeding of dogs and the lack of responsible pet ownership, which has become an acute problem in the Valley.
According to a 2012 survey by the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) 2012, over 22,000 dogs roam the streets of Kathmandu and Lalitpur. These mixed-breeds make perfect pets, but are left to die on the streets because while many people regard pedigree breeds as status symbols, mongrels are not considered pet breeds. Additionally, since more people are buying popular foreign breeds, the local breeds are being neglected and most of them end up on the streets.
The organisation has been promoting mixed-breed adoptions through their website: www.animalnepal.org