Culture & Lifestyle
Four music videos of 2021 worth remembering
Just after a difficult year of pandemic, 2021 brought about some of the finest music videos that are worth watching.
Pinki Sris Rana
Departing from the usual norm of glossy music videos primarily featuring celebrities, the year saw some music videos that focused more on the storytelling and created captivating music videos that rivalled international music videos. The Post looks back at four music videos that are worth remembering in the years to come.
‘Mero Pani Haina Ra Yo Desh’ by Prakash Saput
When this song was released on April 23, it created quite a buzz online as people immediately appreciated and resonated with the issue it raised.
Portrayed as a reality TV talent show, this dramatic contemporary folk music video, directed by Prakash Saput, shows the diverse culture and ethnicities our society is made up of and demands answers to their ownership of this country. Be it the hand movements, the fusion of the traditional and contemporary musical instruments, or the camera works, the music video leaves us all stunned with the perfection this song is tailored with.
This song perfectly summarises the frustrations Nepali youths across the country deal with into finely structured sentences. And that is why looking back at the song today is as important as it was yesterday.

‘Maili’ by Ankita Pun
‘Maili’, the second song Ankita Pun released from her debut album, has helped put the spotlight firmly on her.
Based on a lahure couple, ‘Maili’ takes us back to a time when it was common for men from certain indigenous communities in Nepal to go serve in the military of different countries and leave their wives behind with the limited conjugal memories. The song is a genuine and heart-felt ode to the thousands of lahure families forced to live apart in the hopes of a better future.
Shot in Panchthar and Jhapa, the music video tells a moving story of a couple from a few decades ago and makes excellent use of cinematography to give the video a rustic feel. The five minute video flows smoothly and touches both the eyes and the soul.
‘Galli Sadak’ by VTEN
VTEN's music videos are always larger than life, and his most recent release, 'Galli Sadak', is no exception. Be it the extravagant white bungalows he uses or the need to bring FBIs to hunt him, VTEN goes all out with his recent music video like he always does.
In the song, VTEN is straightforward with his lyrics and takes the audiences on his journey from the streets to becoming one of the hottest rap artists the country has ever produced.
One of the verses 'K faida cha ra yah nira bigreko samaaj bigarera' (What's there for me to gain by corrupting an already corrupted society) feels like a justification to the popular allegations against him of being a bad influence to the society. With the justifications he gives, his lived experiences, his sheer dislike towards Nepal Police and even with the bragging statements used in his lyrics, this song helps us understand and empathise with the controversial singer.
‘Bhaans Ghari’ by Bipul Chettri
Many must have come across this song only after seeing Bipul Chettri's recent Facebook post. Chettri had posted a picture of an old man named Maan Bahadur Bhattrai and how he made his acting debut at the age of 94 in ‘Bhaans Ghari’. This peculiar post was what led me to watch the music video, too.
The music video starts with Rabindranath Tagore's quote, 'The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough', and the story gradually unfolds as the video goes on. The video follows Maan Bahadur Bhattarai and showcases the emptiness he feels at his age when he is left alone after his partner's death. The song ignites conversation surrounding the neglect and lack of care many elderlies in our society have to face.
If you have not yet watched this song, this is definitely something worth viewing to start the new year and ponder about life and death and the moments in between.