Keep your skincare routine on track
As you cocoon during the lockdown, take care of your skin to come out a happy butterfly.Kar Sangmo D Syagtan
A quick scroll through social media seems to indicate that Sakchhi Maskey, a make-up artist based out of Kathmandu is far from alone in turning to skincare during self-isolation and quarantine. Like most of us, she has had her routine thrown off by the pandemic and there's not a lot to structure around her days anymore, but her skincare routine wasn't impacted. "This is the perfect time to focus on skincare since you’re isolated at home," says Sakchhi, “This is a break from the bustling everyday routine and pollution and some quality time for you and your health.” But since routine has been thrown out of the window, for now, we should be careful of not sabotaging our diet plan and sleeping pattern, believes Sakchhi.
Considering how stressful the time currently is, Itchya Karki, beauty educator and makeup artist, says, “Healthy diet is a must and so is portion control because we are likely to binge eat out of boredom or for comfort in case of this pandemic.” Hence, resulting in skin break-outs, dryness or oily skin due to nutrition imbalance.
Stress causes both internal and external issues. Staying calm and optimistic is the first step to taking good care of your skin, says Itchhya.
“The same spa or salon treatment for skin is not practical as of now but nothing is better than going old school—home remedies and proper diet plans for your skin,” Sakchhi points out, “don’t forget you SPF ( with mandatory PA++ 30) even if we go chill in the balcony with our coffee, UV rays are harmful no matter how clean the air may feel right now.”
It’s the perfect time to build a proper skincare routine, says Itchhya. Use the self-isolation time to get comfortable with a new product or a collection of products. Get in the habit of applying sunscreen every single day (yes—even when you’re not leaving the house), to get used to adding it to your skin-care lineup.
Also, the key thing being hydration, 8-9 glasses of water a day is a must, Itchhya stresses. Keep a bottle of water next to you whether you’re working from home, attending online classes, picking up your hobbies or just binging on movies and series. You don’t want your skin breaking out with dry season to add on to that. Along with drinking water, makeup artist Ashlesha Rana says spraying a soothing and refreshing facial-mist every once in a while also combats dry skin.
“Trying to make a regimen when we’re home and aren’t working helps a lot too,” Itchya says, “Take CTM, for instance, cleanse, tone, moisturise. Maintain your hygiene; it’s a big part of the skin and body care habit.” Similarly, adding to the point, Sakchhi says, “Even if you are lazy do not skip your night skin regime at least. Use a chemical exfoliator once a week to remove your dead cells.”
Not just that, you can look into the kitchen and come across kitchen ingredients for DIY beauty products at home, suggests Sakchhi. “An easy DIY scrub that anyone can use is that of coffee, turmeric, honey and lemon,” she says. “This scrub includes anti-oxidant, healing properties and vitamin C.”
Use supplements such as Vitamin C, E, zinc and Omega-3 which help to boost your immune system. It helps boost your collagen in your skin, nails and hair, Ashlesha says, for late-night movie lovers prone to dark circles, use a cold spoon to de-puff your eyes or you can put used green-tea bags in your refrigerator overnight and use it on mornings.
Ashlesha also highlights going through all your skincare products to check their expiry date. “Expired products tend to contain a greater amount of bacteria which can lead to skin irritation, breakouts, and infections,” she says.
“We all know it’s a stressful time but that being said we should not stress over the same fact too much,” Itchhya says, “I like to start my day with a one-minute deep breathing exercise.”
As for overall benefit, the experts suggest trying home workout videos or skipping—take it as a fun game. For motivation, explore your hidden talents, instead of complaining how bored you are on social media and to each other.
Think and act cheerful, you will feel cheerful. Try your best to develop a positive mental attitude, hydrate your skin and do wash your hands at appropriate intervals.