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Gurkha veterans protest demanding implementation of Supreme Court’s order
They demand the government implement the top court’s order to review the Gurkha recruitment deal.
Post Report
Gurkha veterans on Wednesday staged a protest in Kathmandu demanding the government follow the order by the Supreme Court to review the Gurkha recruitment deal.
They took out a rally carrying banners and placards with slogans—‘equal pay and pension’, ‘let’s fight for justice, equality and self-respect’ and ‘implement Supreme Court’s directive order’ among others.
Padam Sundar Limbu, chair of the British Gurkha Army Ex-Servicemen's Organisation, said they were forced to take to the streets for justice, equality and self-respect of British Gurkha.
Limbu said the Nepal government has not shown any interest in implementing the order issued by the apex court on February 7 last year. Former Gurkha soldiers had filed the writ petition at the top court demanding the annulment of the 1947 tripartite agreement between Nepal, India and Britain over the recruitment and deployment of Gurkha soldiers and their perks and facilities.
Gurkha veterans have been fighting for equal rights with their British counterparts for years. They demand equal pension rights, equal pay and perks, free healthcare and equal compensations, residency for family members of Gurkha soldiers and equal pension to the widows of Gurkha soldiers who died during service.
Here are some photos of the protest captured by the Post’s photojournalist Sanjog Manandhar.