MTPD starts queue system for passengers boarding public vehicles
In a bid to address the hassle faced by passengers while boarding public vehicles, the Metropolitan Traffic Police Division (MTPD) has mobilised volunteers and Nepal Scouts members to enforce queue system, starting from 10 busiest stops in Kathmandu Valley.
In a bid to address the hassle faced by passengers while boarding public vehicles, the Metropolitan Traffic Police Division (MTPD) has mobilised volunteers and Nepal Scouts members to enforce queue system, starting from 10 busiest stops in Kathmandu Valley.
MTPD Spokesperson Umesh Ranjitkar said on Sunday that volunteers and scouts were mobilised to 10 stops of the Valley, including Kantipath, Ratnapark, Bhrikutimandap, Koteshwor, Samakhushi, Kupandole and Chabahil, to enforce the
system. “We began this campaign after identifying places that usually have large crowds jostling to board public vehicles,” he said.
The week-long campaign has been well received by passengers and public vehicle operators alike, he added.
Scenes of people shoving, pushing and elbowing one another to get on public transports are common at major stops of the Valley.
Amid such pell-mell, women, children and senior citizens are the ones who are at the receiving end. Besides, disorderly crowd descending onto streets to wait for public vehicles has also contributed to traffic flow obstructions.
“The queue system is about establishing a culture of civility and deference,” said Ranjitkar.