Criminals without borders
Openness in trade has created economic growth but also spread transnational crimeKishor Kumar Lama
The paradigm of trans-national crime connectivity has become a complex global challenge. Global governance has difficulty in keeping pace with economic globalisation because it is like a double-edged sword. The openness in trade, finance, travel and communication has created economic growth and well-being, and simultaneously given opportunities to criminals. Trans-national crimes are carried out across international borders for financial and socio-political benefits, and are an imminent threat to national security. Human trafficking is the third largest illicit trade in the world. The trafficked victims serve as sex and domestic slaves and child labourers, and are used for the extraction of organs. It is estimated that 4 million people are trafficked annually, generating $10 billion. Around 35,000 Nepali girls are sold to Indian brothels, the Middle East, South Korea and China annually.
Three million migrants are smuggled from Southeast Asia and Africa to Europe, and from Latin America to the US. Europe is the largest heroin market while Russia is the largest consumer. Raw heroin, psychotropic substances and amphetamines are smuggled from India and Thailand into Nepal. Nepal is a transit route for transnational crime. Afghan heroin with profits of $55 billion and Colombian cocaine with profits of $72 billion are smuggled to Europe and the US via land, air and sea routes. Wooden products smuggled from Southeast Asia and the Pacific to the European Union and China are valued at $17 billion. The trafficking in natural resources and wildlife from Africa and Southeast Asia is disrupting fragile eco-systems, causing global warming and driving species to extinction. The counterfeit goods that are detected have a value of $10 billion, and half of the medications tested are fake.
Illegal transactions
Piracy attacks off the Horn of Africa earn $100 million for the perpetrators. Transnational crime is a threat to peace, economy, development and sovereignty of nations. Weapons, violence and money are used to finance elections, topple governments and buy politicians where the rule of law is weak. Criminals use the private sector to launder money, leading to the criminalisation of the state by building corrupt networks between business, crime and politics. Criminals obtain diplomatic passports, use diplomatic pouches, and ensure immunity from prosecution by influencing the political process by funding key politicians.
Illegal transactions ranging from counterfeit drugs and identity theft to credit card fraud are increasingly infiltrating legitimate businesses. Annually, 1.5 million people have their identities stolen, leading to losses amounting to $1 billion, while cybercrime is endangering the security of nations. The cyber domain recognises no national boundaries or manmade sovereignty. When states fail to deliver public services and security, criminals fill the vacuum. Transnational crime has annual expenditures totalling $1 trillion and spends $1 trillion on bribery. The state is hollowed out by crooked cliques hiding behind a veil of legitimacy, and use the proceeds from crime to build patronage networks.
The rule of law is replaced by bullets and bribes, deepening corruption and compromising the integrity of state institutions. The collapse of the rule of law can strengthen the appeal of political groups offering extreme alternatives, even authoritarian rule. The mafia will not stop unless their markets remain unaddressed, including the white-collar collaborators covering them. Lone wolf terrorist incidents in Europe are the new mode of attack. Attacks inspired by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the member countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) increased from 32 in 2015 to 68 in 2016.
Drug trafficking, arms smuggling and money laundering are integral parts of terrorism. Nepal and India have overarching security issues with criminals and terrorists impacting the open border which allows perpetrators to evade arrest. But only imposing restrictions on the open border is not the solution, in fact, that will have a detrimental impact on the economy and strain relations.
An effective measure will be to implement limited regulated border monitoring management in risk-prone areas and control crime and terrorism with security personnel with techno-scientific support. The geo-political situation not only addresses mutual security considerations but also foster socio-economic relations allowing Nepalis and Indians to find employment and business. The no man’s land is at risk of being used as a hideout for criminal and terrorist activities.
Transnational criminality discourages investment, thereby stifling development. The Southeast Asian countries present a peculiar dimension in security due to poverty and unemployment, compelling youths to engage in crime. It should not be seen as being one country’s problem, but as a global picture with shared responsibility. Border security in India and Nepal is important where threats can spill over into either country. Without a global perspective, there cannot be evidence-based policy. Governments serious about tackling globalisation of crime should spur nations lagging behind in expertise and resources. As the 23rd Regional Interpol Conference in Kathmandu pointed out, Nepal is a transit hub for smuggling drugs, gold and animal parts, and it might turn into a safe haven for criminals and terrorists.
These challenges necessitate effective policy responses and comprehensive strategies. The existing border security policies need to be revamped, empowering the Indo-Nepal Joint Working Group and Border District Coordination Committee. It is imperative to break the economic power of transnational criminal syndicates and protect the regulated market from criminal and terrorist penetration. Special border surveillance and informant teams must be deputed at the border and airports. Cooperation with the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, Financial Action Task Force and the World Bank to combat trans-border organised crime by conducting assessments of anti-money laundering provisions and Interpol joint endeavours must be vigorously optimised.
Border monitoring system
Implementing a limited regulated border monitoring system without hindering our historical, geo-political, social, religious and economic ties will be the relevant approach to combat trans-national crime. An integrated regional energy grid, mutual energy interdependence and sharing of water might offer plausible pathways to regional cooperation, serving as building blocks for strengthening the new paradigm of political and security cooperation.
In essence, we have to cooperate and collaborate on security issues. We need to set up a task force to prevent cross-border crime, share trans-border intelligence, ensure law enforcement cooperation, conduct intel-guided operation, resolve border disputes, develop infrastructure, cooperate to multiply our efforts along the border to strengthen the rule of law and combat security challenges. Nepal has always cooperated and made the utmost efforts to deter threats impacting its national security and directed against neighbouring nations, the South Asian region and the world.
Lama is a retired inspector general of the Armed Police Force.