Ministries split in Gandaki Province to accommodate more aspirants
With the change in the number of ministries in the province on Sunday, the CPN-UML is expected to join the Nepali Congress–led government within a day or two.
Dipak Pariyar
The Gandaki Province government increased the number of ministries from seven to nine to accommodate power-sharing agreements reached between Nepali Congress and CPN (UML).
The cabinet meeting on Sunday, decided to split two ministries: the ministry of social development and health, and the ministry of industry, tourism, forests, and environment.
Speaking at a press conference organised in Pokhara, Chief Minister Surendra Raj Pandey announced that the change in the number of ministries was aimed at bringing the UML into the government.
“Congress will hold five ministries, including the chief minister, while the UML will be allocated four ministries,” he said. “The change in the number of ministries is to accommodate UML in the government.”
According to Pandey, independent lawmaker Rajiv Gurung, also known as Deepak Manange, who holds the ministry of physical infrastructure, and Phanindra Devkota of Baburam Bhattarai-led Nepal Socialist Party, who holds the ministry of energy and water resources, will be counted among the five ministries allocated to the Nepali Congress. The exact ministries to be given to the UML are yet to be determined.
“Although the ministries have been split, the organisational structures were already separate, with two offices and two secretaries, hence, this will not significantly alter the structure itself,” the chief minister said in the press conference.
With the change in the number of ministries in the province, the UML is expected to join the government within a day or two.