
Police detain activists for pasting Nirmala posters

Police arrested 12 campaigners for pasting posters at Maitighar Mandala on Friday for demanding justice for the 13-year-old Nirmala Pant, raped and murdered on July 27. Police detain activists for pasting Nirmala posters
Bhawani Bhatta & Nayak Paudel
Published at : December 1, 2018
Updated at : December 1, 2018 08:08
Kanchanpur & Kathmandu

Bhawani Bhatta

Bhawani Bhatta is the Kanchanpur correspondent for Kantipur Publications.

Nayak Paudel

Nayak Paudel was a crime reporter at The Kathmandu Post. He also wrote on health issues.
