Nearly 2 years on, Barpak residents still live in tents (with photos)
Next month, Barpak village of Gorkha district will mark the second anniversary of the devastating earthquake that rocked Nepal on April 25, 2015.
Next month, Barpak village of Gorkha district will mark the second anniversary of the devastating earthquake that rocked Nepal on April 25, 2015.
With rescue works and relief distribution long completed, Barpak, the epicenter of the magnitude 7.8 quake, is now rebuilding homes flattened by the earthquake. However, the rebuilding works has not moved ahead without hitches.
Some 1,301 individuals have received the first installment of Rs 50,000 provided by the government to rebuild their homes in Barpak. But only 400 homes are currently under construction.
Of the total receivers of the first tranche of housing aid, only 140 individuals have applied to receive the second installment. Engineer Suresh Chandra Pokhrel said only 30 of the 400 under construction houses fulfill the criteria to receive the second tranche of housing aid as villagers in Barpak began construction before technicians reached there.
The traditional houses reflecting the Ghale, Gurung and Dalit culture have been replaced by those with colorful corrugated zinc sheets. The only thing that remains of the old Barpak is the same eye-catching natural surrounding still smiting the eyes which have witnessed the worst for the past two years.
(Photos: Sudip Kaini)