In Kapilvastu, 26 VDCs don’t have secondary school
Twenty six VDCs in Kapilvastu do not have secondary level school. As a result, most of the children in these VDCs stop attending schools after completing primary education.
Twenty six VDCs in Kapilvastu do not have secondary level school. As a result, most of the children in these VDCs stop attending schools after completing primary education.
Bijrendra Sukla of Baluhawa VDC said that it is hard to find children who have finished fifth grade in some remote villages.
“Most of the children help their parents in farms instead of attending school,” he said.
Assistant District Education Officer Surya Bhusal said the villagers are not interested in opening secondary schools.
“We have been organising several education awareness campaigns in these VDCs for the past six years, but not one delegation has approached us with the request to establish secondary level school so far,” he said.
District Education Officer Hari Gautam also said that the villagers themselves are unwilling to open secondary school.
According to the District Education Office, about 14 percent of the school age children in the district are out of school. There are 34 secondary and 79 lower secondary schools in the district.