15 Krishnasar blackbucks relocated
Fifteen blackbucks from the Krishnasar Conservation Area (KCA) of Bardiya district have been relocated to the Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve (SWR) in Kanchanpur district.
Kamal Panthi
KCA Chief Narayan Rupakheti said five male and ten female blackbuks have found a new home at SWR where they will have plenty of grassland for grazing.
The relocation project was initiated by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Green Forests Programme of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Rupakheti said as the blackbuck population inside the KCA is being threatened by domestic dogs, leopards, hyenas, and poachers, the SWR could be a safe habitat for the antelope species.
The Khairapur region of the KCA still has 271 blackbucks, and they are in need of protection, not just from the predators but floods as well. Around 40 blackbuks were swept away in floods in August last year.
The blackbuck conservation works inside the KCA have been affected due to increased human activities as well.
More than 90 families have encroached the KCA land and build their houses there.