Industry Ministry launches paperless documentation
The Ministry of Industry on Sunday launched a paperless system in a bid to provide more efficient service to business firms registered with the Department of Industry.
The Ministry of Industry on Sunday launched a paperless system in a bid to provide more efficient service to business firms registered with the Department of Industry.
Digital documentation is expected to ensure quick and reliable service to entrepreneurs besides protecting them form possible manipulation by middlemen. According to the ministry, the online system can process documents related to receiving approval for foreign direct investment, extension of business visa for foreigners and registration of firms. “The online system can help maintain good governance besides making life easier for domestic and foreign investors starting a new business,” said Industry Minister Nabindra Raj Joshi, speaking at a programme.
Service seekers should go to the department website and click on the relevant icon for services such as visa registration, foreign investment approval, company registration, tax registration, industry registration, industry property section, post-registration requirements and facilities and incentives.
Maheshwor Neupane, director general of the department, said that with the online system in place, people can complete the registration process in three days.
According to him, the department has planned to go for full online system in one month. “The online system will allow us to provide repatriation, industry recommendation, data sharing and digitalised signature services shortly,” Neupane said.
He added that they were planning to carry out registration of firms in Special Economic Zones through a separate mechanism. Currently, it is being done by the department itself.
The ministry has prepared the software for online operation with technical support from International Finance Corporation (IFC). “IFC is keen to support a large number of programmes in sectors like agriculture, energy and service,” said Mohammad Raham Rasid, representative of IFC Nepal.
Industry Secretary Shankar Prasad Koirala said they launched the online system as part of the effort to bring reform in the functioning of bodies under the ministry. “We will soon be including the district offices of the cottage industry department in the system,” Koirala said.
Krishna Prasad Paneru, a member of the Nepal Bar Association, said the ministry needed to remove legal hurdles to implement the full online system.