When one road stops, another begins
The winding road smoothes down and runs parallel to the broad, calm river.
Anand Vijay Gurung
The winding road smoothes down
and runs parallel
to the broad, calm river.
Like two straight lines running together
with the same intensity.
Soon the road takes a curve, the river bends.
Bringing to mind a picture of lovers
mimicking each others’ moves
and making amends.
The mild afternoon sun makes a rapid route
across a line of tall poplar trees,
flittering through, gleaming, hiding
As if trying to keep pace with the jeep
that drone fast through the asphalt roadway.
The river on the other side is a
shifting mass of a green plate
traversing the rugged hills,
only losing its calm
to abrupt ferocity, rushing
and gushing
through a narrow gorge.
Sunlight glinting on shiny water-beaten rocks,
then a trail of light on waters that soon turns calm, still
And while I reasonably look forward to
reaching my journey’s end.
The road and the river seem
to be in a ceaseless, fervent affair.
It seems as if till the time
they are together
they don’t want to leave
nothing to chance.
And soon enough, another curve and bend
brings to end their romance.
Perhaps in some other place and time
they will unexpectedly find
each other once again
and continue in their
journey endlessly.
When one road stops, another begins
A small stream turns into a gushing river,
flows and sings.