Union likely to elect new leadership on Saturday
The Nepal Students’ Union, student wing of the Nepali Congress, is likely to elect its new leadership on Saturday, after reaching an agreement on disputes regarding representatives.
Sarin Ghimire
The Nepal Students’ Union, student wing of the Nepali Congress, is likely to elect its new leadership on Saturday, after reaching an agreement on disputes regarding representatives. The deal has paved the way to hold a closed-door session on Thursday, provided that the Bhrikutimandap hall is available.
In a major breakthrough, the committee formed under Nepali Congress leader Prakash Sharan Mahat reached an agreement to divide representatives of disputed districts in consensus with the agitating student leaders close to Kundan Kafle,
who have been on a hunger strike since last week.
The agitating students ended the strike on Wednesday.
“After hours and hours of talks, we have finally reached an agreement with the disgruntled forces.
We should now be able to continue with our convention,” said committee member and NC leader Gururaj Ghimire.
According to NSU Spokesperson UP Lamichhane, the official voters list will be published on Thursday, panel-wise candidacy registrations will be made on Friday
and the elections will be held on Saturday. “If the hall is not available for tomorrow, we will not hold the closed-door session.
But the rest of the schedule should go accordingly,” he said.
The convention, which began on Sunday, was supposed to conclude on Tuesday but the dispute over selection of representatives from 11 districts caused the delay.