
Kathmandu Metropolitan City spent millions on smart dustbins. No one is using them.

The city’s mayor, while defending the purchase, said residents were deliberately making him look bad by not using the trash cans. Kathmandu Metropolitan City spent millions on smart dustbins. No one is using them.
In an informal survey of pedestrians, the Post discovered that most didn’t even know that the rectangular box on the streets was really a dustbin. Post Photo: Anup Ojha
Anup Ojha
Published at : June 28, 2019
Updated at : June 28, 2019 09:35

Anup Ojha

Anup Ojha was a reporter for The Kathmandu Post primarily covering social issues, crime, and human interest stories since 2011. Before moving to the social beat, Ojha covered arts and culture for the Post for four years.
