Eight websites to browse right now
By Yankee Maharjan You surf the internet all day long but there’s always a particular set of websites you run into. Usually, these are blogs, news sites, and video directories which basically follow the same format and just come with contents of their own domain.
Gionee A1 Plus: Big and Beautiful
By Yankee Maharjan The smartphone market is increasingly trending towards the ‘phablet’ category. Anything that does not come with a large display, long-lasting battery and a dual camera is in danger of falling by the wayside.
New in town
By Anuj Bhandari & Yankee Maharjan When it comes to mobile phone customers in Nepal, they are always inclined towards feature-rich, budget-friendly smartphones.
Summer smartphone rush is on
By Yankee Maharjan Spring can be an exciting time for tech enthusiasts or those looking to upgrade their phones as most big players roll out their new flagships for the year ahead.