Nagarkoti to make cinematic debut
Novelist Kumar Nagarkoti is slated to star in the upcoming Nepali feature film Laalpurja. Nagarkoti, the self-professed ‘fiction designer’, will star as a writer in the film, producers said.
Novelist Kumar Nagarkoti is slated to star in the upcoming Nepali feature film Laalpurja. Nagarkoti, the self-professed ‘fiction designer’, will star as a writer in the film, producers said. Moreover, the producers have also borrowed some key terms and titles from Nagarkoti’s books—such as Kumargalli, Mystica Jharana, Fossil Gaun and Akshargunj—to name the film’s setting.
Directed by Nigam Shrestha (Chhadke), the film will feature actors Saugat Malla and debutant Miruna Magar in the lead roles.
Producers said that Laalpurja is a “mystical-comedy” genre and will present a story that will have the tussle between spiritualism and materialism at its centre.
“The story is about how one seeks spiritualism once s/he gets fed up with materiliasm,” producer and actor Bikram Singh Tharu said.
Alongside Malla and Magar, Laalpurja stars actors Bipin Karki, Harihar Sharma, Kameshwor Chaurasiya, Menuka Pradhan and Kamalmani Nepali, among others.