Zen and the art of tangles
Sattya Media Arts Collective is organising a two-day workshop this coming weekend on the Zentangle Method under instructor Linda Kuehne
Kripa Shrestha
To the untrained eye, Zentangles may appear to be beautifully crafted doodles. And as tempting as it may be to categorise Zentangles as doodles, a form of artistic expression we are both familiar and comfortable with, it would be misleading to reduce an entire art form into a definition that suits our liking but deprives it of its principal philosophy, and in doing so deprives it of its richness.
Contrary to popular misapprehension, Zentangles are a form of meditation through artistic expression, the foundation and procedure of which is deliberated by the Zentangle Method that centralises on producing abstract drawings composed of tangles, or patterns, that are constructed one stroke at a time and build on each other. The Zentangler is required to tune in on the evolution diffusing at the tip of their pen and focus their attention on the creating of tangles, akin to centralising one’s focus on their breath in deep concentration when meditating, made possible by the mindful drawing of each individual stroke. Zentangles, therefore, lack form and are rooted in abstraction, free from representational qualities employed in objective drawing. The Zentangle Method is more so about the procedure employed in the producing of each individual tangle and finding joy in every stroke than the objective of creating a finished drawing and relishing a tangible outcome, giving the Zentangler the opportunity to enhance their wellbeing through attuned mindfulness, relaxation, heightened concentration, and an exploration of their artistic creativity. Furthermore, what makes Zentangles so enjoyable is they encourage further experimentation with one’s natural inclination to artistic expression, so the Zentangler draws intuitively and finds comfort in their drawings. What’s more, Zentangles require minimal resources—just grab a blank piece of white paper and black ink!
If any of the above piques your curiosity, Sattya Media Arts Collective, a Kathmandu-based resource network and open community for artists, is organising a two-day workshop this coming weekend on the Zentangle Method under instructor Linda Kuehne. “Sattya takes pride in bridging up-and-coming artists, both local and international, and art enthusiasts, acting as a platform between the two and allowing for fresh input of contemporary artistry and its exploration in the local art community, which is why we are collaborating with Linda so she gets the exposure and the opportunity to share her skills with an eager group of art lovers, and they, in turn, learn a highly beneficial and personal art form that has yet to make the mainstream in the local art scene,” shares Sazeena Nemkul, Managing Director of Sattya Media Arts Collective.
The dates for the workshop are the May 14 and 15, each session lasting three hours and starting at 2 in the afternoon. The workshop costs Rs 500 to attend.