Dress to ride
One of the most important things that every rider should know is the type of protective gear they need for their form of riding
Ankit Tuladhar
Commute refers to the travelling from point A to point B on a regular basis. Motorcycles have quickly become the easiest means of commute and so, the number of motorcycle commuters have increased—with this, the rate of fatalities. ‘Commute’ refers to both motorbikes and scooters used for said purpose.
Most people I’ve met have this weird idea that scooter riders can wear half helmets. This is not true! It is recommended that both motorbike and scooter riders always wear full helmets. Always buy a helmet that has passed safety tests such as DOT, ECE, SNELL 2010 / 2015.
Commuters can use mesh—a loosely woven fabric that has a large number of closely spaced hole–gloves. Mesh gloves allow air-flow and are very flexible. This allows free movement of hands; this is very important and largely convenient for commute.
Jackets and boots
It is best for commuters to buy elbow and knee pads that you can wear easily, take off easily, and fit inside your bag; wearing protective jackets and boots is very impractical for commute. Wear shoes that cover your ankle as far as possible and a light jacket, since a layer of jacket is always safer than bare skin.
Adventure riding can mean a lot of things for a lot of different people. For some, it may mean riding off road; for some, it may mean crossing through water streams. Hence adventure riders require special protective gear so that they can take everything the roads throw at them.
Adventure riders need to go through different conditions during a single ride, so it is best if they buy a modular helmet; that is, a hybrid between a full face and an open face helmet. You can then change your helmet to either full face or open face as you need.
Adventure riders need a robust glove that is water proof, provides sufficient protection and is comfortable. Leather gloves are recommended; however, mesh gloves can also be used.
Jackets and boots
One-piece bike suits are recommended for adventure riders. They are very comfortable when you’re riding, and very flexible for all kinds of adventure settings; although, I wouldn’t recommend that you wear it casually.
Off road
As the name suggests, off road riders go through rough terrains, often involving dirt riding and jumps.
Since off road riding is an amalgam of dirt and dust, it is necessary for riders to keep the dirt away from their eyes. There are dirt helmets equipped with goggles. You wear the goggles over the helmet for a tight fit to keep your eyes safe.
Off road riders may use mesh gloves as well, since these allow for continuous air-flow, easy hand movement and hence flexibility.
Jackets and boots
Off road riders are required to use body armour that protects their upper body under an off road jersey. Knee pads and full-road boots are also a must.
Sport riding has become immensely popular among youngsters. This form of riding, however, requires intense protection to keep safe from collisions due to high-speed and fast cornering.
Sport riders must use full face helmets at all times.
Leather gloves are a must for sport riding since these are made for abrasion resistance. Usually, modern leather gloves have plastic siders on the palm area so that, when you land, your hand will slide, hence reducing the chances of injury.
Jackets and boots
As with gloves, sport riders require leather jackets and pants that protect the spine, elbows, shoulders and knees. Sport riding boots that cover up to the shin of the rider are also a must.
Happy riding, folks!