Culture & Lifestyle
Benefits of staying active during menstruation
Fitness instructor Rachana Lama discusses simple exercises that relieve period pain.
Timila Maharjan
Regular exercise is beneficial for your body and your mind. It is even more valuable during periods. Rachana Lama, a fitness instructor and Nepali Youth Fitness Academy (NYFA) certified personal trainer, discusses simple exercises and stretchings during periods, which can help relieve pain and enhance mood. She and her family run the Gurkhas Training and Education Centre in Chitwan.
What are the benefits of exercising during menstruation?
Regular cardiovascular exercise during periods is a good way to improve your mood and promote faster body recovery. Exercise tends to alleviate cramps, headaches, or back pain associated with your period. It also improves blood circulation, helping to flow period blood and lessen pain easily.
How do hormone fluctuations during the cycle impact workout performance and energy levels?
As our hormones increase, we usually have less energy and become lazy. This is also when our muscle-building capacity goes low. So, I suggest low-intensity exercises and stretching.
What types of exercises do you recommend during the different days of menstruation?
I suggest starting by being active and doing low-intensity exercise. But having said this, it's always good to listen to your body and stay hydrated. If exercise is too hard for you, I suggest light walking, which can help relieve the menstrual pain.
How important is it for women to listen to their bodies during their periods when deciding whether to work out or rest?
Listening to your body is always a good thing. However, it's not the same for everyone. Some of us have high tolerance, and some of us don’t. I wouldn’t say it is necessary to work out, but staying active can always help. For that, I suggest activities like stretching, walking around the house, and just doing our daily work rather than lying on the bed for hours and hours. It’s more about making ourselves stronger.
For women experiencing severe menstrual discomfort, what gentle exercises or stretches can they do to relieve pain?
Any stretches that make you comfortable help relieve pain during the period. Yoga poses also help to minimise menstrual pain and discomfort. Some of the poses I recommend are:
Cobra to child pose
Knees to chest pose
Cat camel pose
Hip bridge
Modified Surya Namaskar
Pigeon pose
Mountain pose
Kneeling quads stretch
Can workouts during menstruation help manage Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) symptoms?
For me, it is a distraction from dealing with my PMS symptoms. However, exercising helps enhance your mood and lessens these symptoms. One of the main benefits of exercising during periods is the release of endorphin hormones, which are natural painkillers and mood boosters.

Are there any exercises that should be avoided completely during periods? Why or why not?
Any high-intensity workout, such as heavy lifts, long runs, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), should be avoided during periods because the body is in recovery mode. Intense workouts and exercises exhaust the body, making one feel tired.
Does regular exercise outside the period help improve menstrual health and reduce discomfort during the cycle?
Regular exercise outside of the menstrual period can improve overall menstrual health. It reduces PMS symptoms, cramps, and bloating, balances hormones, lowers stress, improves sleep, and decreases inflammation, making periods more manageable.
What role do hydration and nutrition play while menstruating?
Staying hydrated and getting proper nutrition is crucial while menstruating as the body is recovering. Hydration and nutrition help heal the body, maintain energy during periods, and enhance mood and hormonal balance. They also help keep one energised during the workout, making the process easier.
What advice would you give to women who struggle with motivation to work out during their period?
I wouldn’t look for any motivation because even if you don’t work or be active, it's not the end of the world. I would suggest you listen to your body and act accordingly. Staying active is good, but pushing your body when in pain to work is not good either.