
Authorities yet to go through ‘Road Safety Audit’ report on Kalanki-Koteshwor stretch submitted three weeks ago

A total of 658 accidents have taken place on the stretch in the past 10 months Authorities yet to go through ‘Road Safety Audit’ report on Kalanki-Koteshwor stretch submitted three weeks ago
The report suggests an addition of 12 zebra crossings on the 10.5 km stretch, as currently, there are only three zebra crossings—in Gwarko, Satdobato and Balkhu. An absence of zebra crossings on the road has invited many accidents till date. Post Photo: Sanjog Manandhar
Anup Ojha
Published at : June 12, 2019
Updated at : June 12, 2019 10:04

Anup Ojha

Anup Ojha was a reporter for The Kathmandu Post primarily covering social issues, crime, and human interest stories since 2011. Before moving to the social beat, Ojha covered arts and culture for the Post for four years.
