Parenting and well-being
The UN General Assembly (UNGA) has identified the issue of parents as one of the most important global issues for the general well-being of families. In 2012, the UNGA passed a resolution and marked June 1 as the Global Day of Parents in order to honour parents worldwide.Angur Baba Joshi
The UN General Assembly (UNGA) has identified the issue of parents as one of the most important global issues for the general well-being of families. In 2012, the UNGA passed a resolution and marked June 1 as the Global Day of Parents in order to honour parents worldwide. All over the world, it is the parents who are the makers of a happy family; they are the creators and care-givers of future generations, and they nurture and look after the young and the old within the family.
Parents create an atmosphere of love and understanding, preparing children for a happy, fulfilling and productive life. This is the basic foundation for fostering multidimensional personality development.
Honouring women
Even between parents, it is the mother who plays the most impactful role. That is why the ancient scriptures give extreme importance to mothers. For example, the Taitiriya Upanisad advises that the mother should be honoured before the father or the Guru. The mother is also considered the best among the teachers. The scriptures say that though there can be a bad son, there can never be a bad mother.
During the Vedic period, the women were considered almost equal to men and were greatly honoured. They were involved in a number of occupations and even participated in the military. Child marriage was unheard of and girls were educated either at gurukuls or at home.
It is said that the basic traits of a human’s personality are formed during the first few years after birth. The parents play a critical role in this, and the mother has an even greater hand in this character development. It is of utmost importance that every female, as a potential mother, should be empowered. This empowerment should extend to the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual realms. The nature and quality of their personality will be transmitted to the future generations.
It is a matter of great concern that in many countries, females remain victims of violence both at home and at the workplace. This has damaging consequences on the very fabric of society. This day reminds governments across the world to formulate parent-friendly policies and implement them properly in order to enhance women’s education and their multi-dimensional empowerment and to end violence against females.
Mothers are increasingly becoming bread-earners and they need help from fathers to run the household. Therefore, it is very important that both boys and girls are taught home science at school. It will eventually make for a better family, with parents who appreciate and help each other.
Broken homes
Another important condition for happy parenthood is love and understanding between the spouses. Our scripture says “when the wife is very happy with the husband and vice versa, only then can there be wellbeing in the family.” Hindu Dharma has emphasised the importance of fidelity between spouses. It has to be specially noted that this fidelity has to be reciprocal. In the present-day context of broken homes and delinquent children, this prescription is more valid than everbefore.
The Hindu scriptures have encouraged women to be independent and self-protecting. They proclaim that a women protected within the four walls of the house by men of lust, is in fact, not protected at all. A woman is only truly protected when she alone can protect herself. As such, women have to be empowered, physically strong, mentally alert, intellectually sharp and spiritually enlightened. Empowerment of women is one of the most important facets of Asian culture.
The love and fidelity between parents has a determining impact on the emotional health of children. According to studies, 80 percent of the delinquent children in western societies come from broken homes. This day asks parents to think carefully before they decide to get divorced. Parenthood demands continuous adjustment and tolerance for the well-being of all members in the family.
Therefore, it is a matter of great concern that the divorce rate in countries like Nepal is increasing every year.
As a co-parent, the father also has a very important role to play in the family. Apart from being the bread-earner in most cases, he is also an inspiring figure in the family. A UN background document states that some fathers who inflict domestic violence or sexual abuse devastate families and create profound physical and emotional scars in children.
In short, this day draws the attention of all families and governments worldwide to the most important role that parents play in making happy families, in looking after the elder generations and in bringing forth a healthy, honest, productive, happy and peaceful new generation unencumbered by life’s stress and strain.
Joshi is a social activist and educator