
Tears and anger at a Lalitpur school after revelations about a teacher’s history of sexual abuse

Nearly a hundred parents and former students had gathered at the premises of Lalitpur Madhyamik in Lagankhel following the Kathmandu Post’s investigation on how Tripathee had sexually molested children for decades while a teacher at the school. Tears and anger at a Lalitpur school after revelations about a teacher’s history of sexual abuse
Marissa Taylor & Pranaya SJB Rana
Published at : January 27, 2019
Updated at : February 3, 2019 16:01

Marissa Taylor

Marissa Taylor is a Kathmandu-based journalist. She mostly writes on environment, biodiversity conservation and public health.

Pranaya SJB Rana

Pranaya SJB Rana was the Features Editor for The Kathmandu Post. He was also the Op-Ed Editor at the Post from 2012–2015. Rana is the author of a collection of short stories, ‘City of Dreams: Stories’, from Rupa Publications India.
