National Assembly regulation endorsed
A meeting of the National Assembly (NA) on Sunday endorsed the NA regulation following the agreement to fix the tenure of NA members through lottery.
A meeting of the National Assembly (NA) on Sunday endorsed the NA regulation following the agreement to fix the tenure of NA members through lottery.
The parliamentary secretariat is making preparation to hold a lottery on June 18 to determine tenure of 59 members in the National Assembly (NA), the upper house of bicameral Federal Parliament of Nepal.
According to the constitutional provision, one third of NA member shall have a two-year term, the other one third (20) members shall have four years, and the remaining one-third shall have six years. The term of 19
The endorsement of NA regulations has paved the way for holding lottery to determine the tenure of NA members.
The 59-member NA will be divided into separate groups. The NA has representations of eight members from each province (all seven provinces) and remaining three members are nominated by the President. As per the NA regulations, lottery will be held separately for open, cluster (women) and province quotas.