Chief Justice Parajuli refuses to disclose academic certificates
Despite mounting pressure, Chief Justice Gopal Prasad Parajuli has refused to make his academic certificates public.
Despite mounting pressure, Chief Justice Gopal Prasad Parajuli has refused to make his academic certificates public.
Arguing that there were serious doubts over his academic qualifications, especially the School Leaving Certificate, Dr Govinda KC, Advocate Om Prakash Aryal and Pritam Subedi had filed applications twice at CJ Parajuli’s Secretariat demanding the documents concerning his personal and academic details.
On Friday, when Dr KC and his team reached the CJ’s Secretariat demanding
original documents, officials there refused to show the dossiers citing “order from Parajuli not to show his academic certificates”.
Advocate Aryal said the questions they raised over the authenticity of CJ Parajuli’s academic certificates had got more credence after his reluctance to show them.
Dr KC and his team had sought original certificates citing the provisions of Nepal Evidence Act (1974). The activities of CJ Parajuli have created ground to doubt if his certificates are original, said Aryal.
The Evidence Act says: “If the court issues an order to a person to submit a document which s/he holds and s/he does not submit accordingly, the court may presume that the document may hold evidential value against such person.”
“If any person holding a public office refuses to present evidence as sought by citizens, this implies that s/he does not hold authentic document,” said Aryal.
Dr KC and his team said they were trying to seek original documents following questions over the authenticity of CJ Parajuli’s school leaving certificate.
During hearing in a contempt of court charge against him, Dr KC has charged CJ Parajuli with using forged academic documents, maintaining two citizenship certificates and reducing his age to hold the top post.
Since CJ Parajuli has failed to present the documents, said Aryal, “We are free to file a criminal case on the ground of fraud and forgery against him.”
With Parajuli using his office to dismiss questions raised against him, KC and his team plan to file the case after Parajuli retires from the Supreme Court. If CJ Parajuli’s documents prove fake, his name will be removed from official records and he will be denied government facilities, said Aryal.
The documents received by KC and his team show that CJ Parajuli had passed high school in 1969. The certificate presented by Parajuli to the Judicial Council shows he passed the higher secondary level exam from Sharada School, Chitwan in 1969.
However, the symbol number mentioned in the mark sheet belongs to Rastriya Bidhyapith, Birgunj.
“The CJ, during admission to university and appointment as judge, had presented a transfer certificate that showed he had failed the exam in 1969,” states KC’s application.
Earlier, the National Examination Board turned down Dr KC’s request to give him a copy of CJ Parajuli’s SLC diploma. The NEB said it would not do so without the holder’s consent. The Board also argued that it had to respect the constitutional right of one’s privacy.
Dr KC has also filed an application, as provisioned by the Right to Information Act-2007, at the National Information Commission seeking the CJ’s certificates.