Bird flu found in birds in Itahari children park
A strain of bird flu has been detected in birds at a children park in Taltalaiya of Sunsari district.
Bedraj Poudel
A strain of bird flu has been detected in birds at a children park in Taltalaiya of Sunsari district.
Regional Laboratory in Biratnagar and Central Veterinary Laboratory in Kathmandu confirmed the presence of H5N1 influenza virus after a test conducted on dead birds from the park.
District Animal Service Office-Itahari Chief Shiva Narayan Mahato said precautionary measures have been adopted in the area after the confirmation of bird flu on March 6.
The park has been closed for general public for a month to prevent the influenza from spreading to humans, Mahato said.
Meanwhile, local authorities are working to bury the dead birds, it has been learnt.
A local conservation committee’s attention was drawn after birds, some of which are listed rare, kept for general viewing started dying continuously for a week.
Later, with the help of Animal Service Office, the dead birds were sent to regional and central veterinary offices on March 2.
Taltalaiya Development and Conservation Committee General Secretary Ramesh Adhikari informed that different animals and birds had died in the park in a course of one week.
The death of turkey, peacock, Eurasian eagle owl, swan, guinea pig and leopard cat among others raised suspicion and the committee decided to send them for the test.
The park that houses some 22 species of rare birds receives 500 footfalls on daily basis. Now the experts are trying to contain the outbreak by spreading pesticides in the area.
This file photo shows the birds available in the park