Ex-state minister Begum among eight found guilty
The Parsa District Court slapped Rs 20,000 fine on former state minister for agriculture Karima Begum afterfinding her guilty of abusing her authority to grant Nepali citizenship to an Indian national.
Bhusan Yadav
The Parsa District Court slapped Rs 20,000 fine on former state minister for agriculture Karima Begum after
finding her guilty of abusing her authority to grant Nepali citizenship to an Indian national.
Begum, who is active in Madhes politics and is currently the central committee member of Sanghiya Samajwadi Forum Nepal, had helped Ram Kumari Devi of Bihar state of India acquire a Nepali citizenship.
Begum’s signature was found on the citizenship recommendation letter dated April 1, 2007, mentioning that Ram Kumari Devi was a resident of Harpatgunj VDC-6 and eligible to become a Nepali citizen.
The court has also fined seven other defendants in the case. The main defendant Charandev Yadav, the father of Ram Kumari Devi, has been ordered to pay Rs 75,000 fine while the remaining six, including Begum, were fined Rs 20,000 each.
The court has also ordered the District Administration Office to invalidate the citizenship that was issued to Ram Kumari Devi.
Ram Kumari, though born to Nepali parents, had acquired Indian citizenship through her marriage to Jaleshwor Yadav about 15 years ago.